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Articles tagged with: gloss

iTTi Gloss: Social Business

Thursday, 07 November 2013 iTTi, Innovation & Technology Trends Institute Posted in iTTi Gloss

"Social Business [in the digital arena]. A term describing an organization’s use of any or all of the following elements:
- consumer-based social media and networks (for example, blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, YouTube, Slideshare);
- technology-based, internally developed social networks (such as GE’s Colab or the Cisco Learning Network);
- social software for enterprise use, whether created by third parties (for example, Chatter, Jive or Yammer) or developed in-house; and/or,
- data derived from social media and technologies (such as crowdsourcing or marketing intelligence)".
Running a company involves the concentration and coordination of individual efforts, oriented to a series of common enterprise objectives. This implies, at least partially, some kind of collaboration among those individuals; collaboration that could be better performed by mean of “social” tools.
A paradigmatic business process to which such tools are affordable to be applied to is enterprise knowledge management.
This yields to musings such as "will businesses need to orchestrate inner and outer relationships regarding those collaborative tools?".
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iTTi Gloss: Corporate Governance of IT

Wednesday, 23 October 2013 iTTi, Innovation & Technology Trends Institute Posted in iTTi Gloss

Corporate governance of IT. The system by which the current and future use of IT is directed and controlled. Corporate governance of IT involves evaluating and directing the use of IT to support the organization and monitoring this use to achieve plans. It includes the strategy and policies for using IT within an organization“.

Source: ISO 38500:2008. Corporate Governance of Information Technology.


Governance of enterprise IT. A governance view that ensures that information and related technology support and enable the enterprise strategy and the achievement of enterprise objectives; this also includes the functional governance of IT, i.e., ensuring that IT capabilities are provided efficiently and effectively”.

Source: ISACA. CGEIT Review Manual 2013.


IT Governance. A framework for decision rights and accountability to encourage desirable behavior in the use of IT. […] IT governance focuses on a small set of critical IT-related decisions: IT principles, enterprise architecture, IT infrastructure capabilities, business application needs, and IT investment and prioritization”.

Source: MIT. Sloan School's Center for Information Systems Research (CISR).


Organizational structures, accountability, processes, decision rights, strategy, …, what, in your view, would be the terms and components that best fit the concept of "Corporate Governance of IT"?


Related perspective(-s):

1.- Thought-provoking pills

2.- COBIT 5, a business framework?

3.- Origen y evolución del concepto de "Gobierno Corporativo de TI"

4.- COBIT 5, ¿un marco de referencia de negocio?

5.- Introducing iTTi


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